Sunday, May 24, 2015

First road tryp in 2015

We start this year with a funny/working/playngtourists tryp to est Germany . Randy invite us to his show and we said YES ;) , our good friend Claudiu Cîrțînă , the voice from Rock FM and the MC from Transilvania Tattoo Expo decide to join us for a week holiday and some profesional research . 
The tryp start with a short visit to Viena , Alexanderplatz , Hard Rock Cafe and central museums.
We arrive in Zwikau , impresinng city and a great tattoo show !  
 I was ready to start a cool project on my whife's Ada sleeve , but unfortunatlu my plans was ruined by a cold she take it on the I was open for drop ins . I was lucky and get this cool request from a local tattoo fan :
I make it ad-hoc
Aftershow party was epic !!!!! With Robert and Gerd from Deep Cut , benjamin Moss and Jack matisse from Apocalipse Tattoo , misician of corse Claudiu and one random faget almost kicked in his ass :))), No pictures :)))))) we drink some shots on the end and some of us remember them blue , other green...... This is a second day picture :
 This show was a great inspiration for us , we find ideeas to improuve Transilvania convention and also make new friends and contacts for future business.
I was impressed by a new friend , Gerd from Reutlingen , an oldschool fuy like me . We speak about tattooing and the evolution of tattoo scene and I was surprised to find we are exactly on the same mind . I will writte a special blog regarding this theme.
The way home was a bit longer , we visit some friends and places , but I will let the pictures speak :