Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jocker girl freestyle

Here is a project I inked at Reutlingen Convention Germany.
Customer drop in with this jocker girl picture and he want it inked. I don t like to coppy other people tattoos , specialy when they are full with mistakes (noo offence for the autor , I don t now who did it ) , so i try to rebuild the same image , the same angle of face and expresion using some of mu own reference.
For the face I use a picture of Maitsumi Max , for hair and makeup a drawing I have found in internet and I put the rest.
I writte this blog only to show how is possibile to do an original tattoo , using customer s ideea but without coppy something . This way you will have an original picture who will fit perfect your body and your wishes ;)
Here are the pictures :
Customer reference , Maitsumi picture , my drawing and the final resoult

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reutlingen Tattoo Convention Germany

Every year on my birthday , 6 september , is Reutlingen Tattoo Convention . This is the first conventin where I atend with my girlfriend Adda , actualy my whife now. Reutlingen was the beginning of our tattoo world journey . Here in Reutlingen , in 2008 , when we come first time we meet Ski King , the one who show us the way for new conventions and guestpots , also here we do our first guesot a Deep Cut Tattoo Studio , at reutlingen I meet my herro and later my friend Bernie Luther , also Randy Engelhard who was a rockye in 2008 :) and now is one of the world best artists .
I don't want to be boring , but Reutlingen have a big nfluence on my tattoo career amd imy life. In this place I feel that I have strong roots and I am always full of energy !
This year I have some drop ins , Emanuel , an local tattoo artist come with a request not in my style , but he trust me amd emd up with this Jesuss portrait , done in my style . Freestyle , far away from reference.
I start from this picture with Zefirelly jessus , not in a good quality and I build my own jessus , here is the priginal picture , the freehand/stencil and the fonal result: