Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jocker girl freestyle

Here is a project I inked at Reutlingen Convention Germany.
Customer drop in with this jocker girl picture and he want it inked. I don t like to coppy other people tattoos , specialy when they are full with mistakes (noo offence for the autor , I don t now who did it ) , so i try to rebuild the same image , the same angle of face and expresion using some of mu own reference.
For the face I use a picture of Maitsumi Max , for hair and makeup a drawing I have found in internet and I put the rest.
I writte this blog only to show how is possibile to do an original tattoo , using customer s ideea but without coppy something . This way you will have an original picture who will fit perfect your body and your wishes ;)
Here are the pictures :
Customer reference , Maitsumi picture , my drawing and the final resoult

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