Thursday, July 9, 2015

Long storry short in order to fix an appointment...

  A customer send me some references for a sleeve and he has time just a week to get it done. We answer and explain that a sleeve need alot of work and they are important areas on the arm who need extra time to be inked , it's a shame to not alow time for some areas and just add background or whatever elements just to close the sleeve etc...
  This was 6 long mails with arguments regarding the proces of tattooing and purs care for details and quality , of corse even if we work all 3 artists on the same sleeve every day we can't finished in one week because the human body have some pain limits :)
  The motiv he choose was an realistic black/gray with some colors , a lyon portrait , cover up , some skulls , musical sighns , a mycrophone , roses and some other elements with no conection in betwen . Onthe shoulder it was a tribal who need cover up . Of corse the colors shoud be in the lyon eyes and in the roses. During our email conversation he change the mind about some elements also......
  When we speak about money we realize he has a budget that cover a bit more than a half from the sleeve . 
So we come with this plan : 
   We will do only the parts that he is shure about motiv and he can also pay it , and later ,  next time when he is in Romania we will do the rest . 
    He ask for a sleeve in 4 sessions and his budget  . We said sorry is not our way and explain again why this is a compromise we do not do . 
     His Answer was : we are a pain in the ass and he will find someone else who will do his sleeve.
    I said "it was not mens to be and good luck "
   And then his answer blow my mind....
  " this is a cheep answer , unprofesional and he is happy he realize this before start a project with Transilvania Tattoo "

  I have my own conclusions , specially that me and my coleg Atti really try to give the best advices to this "customer" and we realize is a lost cause after his second mail , we decide to continue to give him advices and facts to understand the process of tattoing and the importance of decision.
  One thing I am happy, we don't have this kind of customers on the chair , because we like to fix all the details regarding a tattoo project BEFORE make the appointment , motiv , size , body placement , details , colors , price , how many hours/sessions , so the customer have time to think before , we have time to prepare and there is no room for errors. Dose'n matter we loose some customers who want instant projects and an ad hoc tattoo because they live city next day or next week....
 Ours motto is 
   "Lifetime guaranty " and " Tattoos without compromises" 
 Thankyou for reading and sorry for my english......

All the best ! 

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