Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rock N Roll Icon : WASP back piece

  I started the WASP project 2 years before at Visavajara Tattoo and Bodymodification Nurnberg . This is the 5-th sitting  , first was outline and left hand , next one was Blackie’s face at Reutlingen Tattoo Convention , and then Nick Holmes and the logo on the top in next day , 10 hours under the needles “in the name of Rock N Roll “.
  Markus , my costumer plays bass guitare in 2 rock bands and because his concerts plan and my conventions plan we needed so far 2 years for this project. I knew this before and I choose to realize the tattoo in 2 layers , first layer is the “base” and after all the band members and the background will be ready I will give to all the tattoo the contrast highlights and details , this way there will be  no difference between the last picture I do and the first one , 2 or 3 years before. I do this plat because I preffere to have a cool picture after healing and not a few “good for internet” fresh pictures.
  Here is a pictures with this RockN Roll Icon , the WASP tribute tattoo , one of my favorite projects .
 Thanks Nadine , Ski ,Oli and of corse Markus for give me the chance to realize this cool project !

Next destination from this tour is Pforzheim , we will visit ours good friend Ralf and his motorcycles world.

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