Monday, January 16, 2012

Ink storm in Flensburg !

   We (me and Ada) just arrive in Flensburg , Nord of Germany ,  on a really short note from a friend to manage 2 weeks full of appointements in Tattoo Fashion Flensburg.
    Not big of a deal , I think in the beginning and next morning we start working . It begins with some small thinghs , and next day one full chicanos sleve free hand  to a local fighter , after this I start 2 half sleeves also free hand  with chest piece I did a half in first day and t he rest will be done next weekend to a saylor guy , one more big portrait on the rips to an other saylor . Freehand chicano style
Between this big projects I have 2 really special costumers , who comes from Copenhaga specialy to get a tattoo from me .Jens and Maner xxxx owners from the famous fashion brand Rosseman’s Destiny .
  Ada did also some awesome color pieces to a guy whos tattoos was the same age like me , made in 1976 and a girly leopard skin to a famous Swedish Playmate Emilly Andersson.                                                                                                                                                                         
 We actually loose the film from the appointements becose we start every day at 10 PM and finished at 1 AM and Saturday at 4 AM !!!! 
 All in all was a really fun time when we work hard and meet a lot of special people who comes from far away
to get ours ink . We was really surprise and honored to have the chance to make this people happy with ours tattoo work .
 I will let the pictures to speak !
                                 Here I am with Mads and El Monso Muya Thayworld champion .

  After all this days remember me a fact : TATTOOS are a lifetime mark with deep semnifications  , for someone coud be a portrait , for others a word or a symbol  , this is what everybody can see but the story behind is a personal meaning for every costumer.

 Soon we will met Mads , ours host and the owner from the Tattoo Fashion Flensburg , a successful business man and the best manager I ever see .

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