Saturday, December 31, 2011

Androgin angel - How is made

  I think this is a interesting story "How is made" becose my costumer come with a strange request and references and finaly , I think we find a cool way to inke it !
  My costumer want an androgin angel on the sholder with some big wings , he brig this picture for reference , and a drawing for wings

He want also a face "not man / not woman" . When I see this request in the appointements book I think will loocks from 2 meters like an eagle.....and from 50 cm like Ville Valo  , but :D in the morning a Rocker wait me for this tattoo ! This make me fill better and we start build the image. In the begining I propose to choose the face references Sebastian Bach from Skid Row (when he was 20 years :) and my costumer like the idee ! We choose this 2 pictures : Bret Michaels for the head engle ans Sebastian Bach for the details (face line)

  I start drawing the body sketch becose in the original pictures all is not clear and my costumer want all the muscles to be visibile

  This tattoo will be part from a sleeve project , we do not add th background and also is done without whitte , only black ink and long stroke hits !

The face was a challenge for me becose is 2 cm size and I want to give him "Lifetime Guaranty" , the hands also D: For the face I choose 9 magnum and 2 lined needles and Black ink , becose this I do not use whitte , I already have contrast betwen the black and skin and on this small size I prefere to inked all strong .
This was my last tattoo for 2011 , I hope I will have more cool requests in 2012 !!!!! I must said THANKYOU for all my costumers who trust me and help me to build my tattoo portofolio .

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