Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back in bussiness !

It is amomst one year since I writte the last blog...I think nobody really mist me from the blog scene , but I want to continue this becose maybe I inspire some people or just explain my ideeas and art directions to my costumers or at last just do some brain storming for myself .
In the last year I travel alot , doing many guestpots and tattoo conventions , spread my ink all over the Europe.
One of the thinghs who change my tattoo direction is redescovering the Chayenne Hawk machine . This machine I buy a few years before , but I don t really like it , but now I think is the perfect tool for a traveling artist.
An other thing who mark my tattoo work is that I do almost only freehand tattoos in thw last time , using not so manny references.
I chose to do this first becose I can :) but also I think that this way I can use the body shape and the space that costumer give to me at maximum potential. Everyone can see tht a flat drawing is change alot when you stencil it on a not flT body area , also a wrong or not perfect stencil is hard to clean and remake , all this things I want to avoyd in my work.
If I am onest .... I must admit that I never know how to do a perfect helpful stencil , I realize that when I see other people doing stencils , in this moment I realize that I put in the stencil just maybe not more than 20% from reference , this means the rest is freehand , so I decide to do all freehand .
I will add some pictures from this last working year. I hope you like them !

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