Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best of show at Reutlingen Tattoo Convention

After a really long brake from my tattoo work , because I was working hard this year to some other projects ( Sibiu Bike Show , Transilvania Tattoo Expo and some personal business ) here I am at Reutlingen Convention really hungry for inked some skin !
Reutlingen was the first convention where me and Ada take part in 2008 and with some help from our good friend Ski King this convention became the start from our first tour. Reutlingen Convention will be always in our mind like the beginning from all the important things , here we meet Ski , Ada did the first tattoo and also she get her first tattoo from me , here we do the first guest-pot at Deep Cut Studio and this convention is in 6 september my birthday ;)
This year I was really surprised when I get some really cool drop ins and my costumers goes on the stage with my ink . I was honored and happy to win 3 important prizes : Best Black Gray , Best of day and BEST OF SHOW and the Mighty Ski King singing Happy Birthday for me !

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


For this tattoo I use 2 reference pictures , one from my costumer the digital image below and the other one I find in Internet , the image with Gerald Butler from the 300 moovie . I draw the warrior using the position and the background from the first picture and the anatomy details from the second one. For the balance I decide to use the shield that Achilles (Brad Pitt ) have it in Troy .
The water I choose becose my costumer want a blue background , but I think blue is not enough dramatic for this picture , but for the picture's ground I find it perfect for the color balance and for the dinamic efect.
I use AllaPrima Ink and for the body Ethernal ink , all the collors was mixed by me .
I will add below the references , my drawing and the final result.
Thankyou for visit my blog !

Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to get 50.000 likes and 3000 shares in facebook

This is a funny story :D
I was guest artist in Berlin at Tiki Tatau studio , verry cool place and wonderful people.
One of the artists , Crazzy , ask me for an interesting tattoo , something on the hand that when he hold the heat and cover the face must loock like a mask. We decide to do a half skull on the nand on the way that when he cover the mouth with the hand the face supose to look like wering a skull mask.
We decide to present this tattoo at Berlin Tattoo Convention becose this year I was sponsored by Cheyenne Hawk so I have the booth on the row with great artists like Moni Marino and Tommy Lee , becose this I try to bring every day something cool , diferend and original.
Below are the pictures with the making of and the Picture done by Tattoo Soul who was the Facebook feever for almost one week .

Half angel/half devil , how I make it

One costumer come with this request : he want one man half good , half bad betwen 2 wings that I inked 8 years before.
The place betwen wings was enough for a body size to respect the proportion.
First I loock for a naked male who not loock totaly gay . Hard to find with Google. Finaly I find something I like it , a picture with the new Conan , but with face cover by hair and the legs cover by something.
So , using the lightbox I take the body shape and I start buiding my picture.
I add a face in the same head position , half human , half skull with a goat horn , this was in my opinion the most evil thing I can do in a 3 cm high head. After this I draw the legs and I cover the sex with some material and I add an goat fit .
In the pictures below you can see the making of from the original picture , to drawing , stencil and finaly the tattoo.
I use Cheyenne hawk machine and only pure black AllaPrima Ink.