Wednesday, January 16, 2013


For this tattoo I use 2 reference pictures , one from my costumer the digital image below and the other one I find in Internet , the image with Gerald Butler from the 300 moovie . I draw the warrior using the position and the background from the first picture and the anatomy details from the second one. For the balance I decide to use the shield that Achilles (Brad Pitt ) have it in Troy .
The water I choose becose my costumer want a blue background , but I think blue is not enough dramatic for this picture , but for the picture's ground I find it perfect for the color balance and for the dinamic efect.
I use AllaPrima Ink and for the body Ethernal ink , all the collors was mixed by me .
I will add below the references , my drawing and the final result.
Thankyou for visit my blog !

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